Think Net Works
Solutions Overview
Simple Waves Innovations provides turn key networking solutions and products enabling customers to set up the IP foundation upon which to run one or many applications that suit their needs. We bring all the components together in order to build high bandwidth, low latency networks. With a large installed base of customers, Simple Waves Innovations has the experience and proven technology insight to build large-scale, reliable, secure networks.
Citywide, campus-wide, hot zone wireless broadband networks increase quality of life, educational opportunities, and economic development.
Expose your venue to potential customers who are actively looking for places to come into and log on with their laptop computers, PDAs or other wireless devices.
Connect locations that need to share network resources, overcoming great distances with minimal effort and cost.
Extend IT resources to the field, even into moving vehicles and improve dramatically efficiencies, lower costs and raise user satisfaction.
Often operating in hostile and harsh conditions, industrial site networks are used for a range of activities that improve business operational efficiencies, reduce operating cost, and increase safety.
Video cameras and security sensors can be connected wirelessly delivering a cost-effective alternative while increasing safety and extending the visual reach of the authorities.
Networked utility meters enable better resource management, monitoring and conservation while lowering operational costs. Intelligent traffic solutions collect information signals all around the city, correlate the real-time data and can automatically regulate traffic policies across a city.
Powerful tools for simplified network management provide interfaces to perform many critical tasks, including performance management, health reporting, configuration management, software updates, giving instant insight to the network administrator.
Increase your bandwidth and uptime by
connecting new low-cost Internet links, such as DSL, Cable, 3G Wireless
to your existing network.
Simple Waves Innovations has a growing list of Partners that provide
best of breed complementary products and services helping us build the
complete solutions that meet our customers needs.